Flutter 2.0, what a huge release!

Joshua Wellbrock
2 min readMar 4, 2021

Since the launch of Flutter in 2017 the Flutter Team has done an amazing job. I discovered the Flutter SDK shortly after its first release in 2017 and started experimenting with it. I was intrigued by features like hot reload which increases development speed massively. Since 2018 I’m actively developing applications with the Flutter SDK.

In the beginning Flutter only supported Development for iOS and Android but I already the knew the full potential of the Flutter SDK and Dart as its language for the future. I guess this is why I sticked with it, besides the faster development speed… Web support was added to the beta-channel on September 10 of 2019.

My personal wish of the ability of Flutter to be able to develop applications since the end of 2018 was now fulfilled.

Now with Flutter 2.0 web finally reaches stable channel. With stable web support and upcoming stable support for Windows, macOS, Linux and even embedded developers can now exploit the full potential of the Flutter SDK. I’m a strong believer that Flutter is a future technology for a large amount of applications across all platforms.

Features like hot reload and Dart Dev Tools for instance are increasing development speeds massively and costs for development are reduced. Dart compiles in native arm32, arm64, x86_64 and JavaScript for the fastest native output with the smallest runtime.

Toyota for example is developing their Infotainment System built in the cars with Flutter SDKs ability to run embedded.

Another great example is that Canonical (the creators of Ubuntu) is already recommending developers to use Flutter developing Ubuntu applications. Canonical is also developing the new Ubuntu installer and all future desktop and mobile applications in Flutter.

And there is even more like over 15.000 Packages available at pub.dev developed by the community and organizations.

This all is showing us how much potential Flutter and Dart have for the industry. I hope that many more german companies are adopting Flutter at scale to create their software projects as well!

I’m looking forward into the future of Flutter and I’m pretty sure that Flutter is ready for all the task waiting for it to come.

Stay safe and happy coding!



Joshua Wellbrock

Freelancer Flutter Development & Software Architect - Computer Scientist & Machine Learning Enthusiast